How do you know it's time for new windows? Watch for these warning signs!

Need New Windows? 5 Major Warning Signs It’s Time

Triple Diamond Construction provides window replacement and estimates for new windows in Oklahoma City. If you live elsewhere, your warning signs may be different.

A home is an investment of your time, money, and energy, so it’s worth taking care of it! One area homeowners often overlook is their home’s windows. Surprisingly, old or worn-out windows can do more than harm your curb appeal – they can cause high utility bills, uncomfortable drafts, and costly repairs. 

How do you know it’s time for new windows? Look for these five major warning signs! 

If you see one or more signs that your home needs new windows, contact a general contractor like Triple Diamond Construction, who can help! We offer same-day home inspections and top-of-the-line warranties. 

New Window Warning Sign #1: Condensation

Have you ever noticed condensation inside your home’s windows or between the glass panes? This indicates that too much moisture is being lost from the air in your home. This can then chill the air within your home and increase the likelihood of mold forming.

It may also occur that water is leaking through the sills of your windows. This could be caused by several factors, including poor caulking, a loose frame, or frame damage. Not only does this mean you’ll have to replace the windows, but it can permanently damage floors and walls.

Warning Sign #2: High Utility Bills 

If you have to turn on your heating/air conditioning more than usual in the winter/summer, it may indicate that your windows aren’t insulating properly. This can be due to many factors, including age or the fact that they are facing the wrong direction or air leaks around windows. If you think you might need new windows, you should contact a local contractor and get a window replacement inspection ASAP. 

Homeowners who replace old windows often see a dramatic reduction in their heating/cooling costs. This is because windows created today have higher energy efficiency ratings and are better insulated than those produced even ten years ago. Saving money on utility costs is one reason why replacement window projects have the highest ROI (return on investment).

Warning Sign #3: Difficulty Opening Or Locking Windows

This is a tell-tale sign of many problems. If one window is difficult to open or lock, it could indicate that they do not fit properly together or the frame is bad or rotting out. Similarly, if one or more windows stick or are difficult to open easily, then you should look into replacing windows.

Warning Sign #4. Soft Window Frames

The window frame is the backbone of your window. It’s what holds everything together, so if you begin to notice that it is soft, it could mean that the wood is either rotten or an active leak is softening the frame. This can mean that you need to replace your entire window.

Warning Sign #5. Windows Are Old

Old windows don’t keep you warm or cool anymore. They are also more likely to be damaged through age, which is another reason why they need replacing. Modern technology has improved energy efficiency, and now replacing old, drafty windows can significantly improve the comfort of your home. 

Thing Your Home Might Need New Windows?

The best thing to do is take note of these and any other signs that the windows on your house might need new windows. As a homeowner, it’s vital to take the time to inspect these areas to save money in terms of energy bills or replacement costs. If you’re unsure where to start, contact Triple Diamond Construction for a free home inspection! Schedule online or give us a call at 405-895-9972 today! 

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