Get Answers To Our Most Asked Residential Roofing Questions

Residential Roofing Questions And Answers

General Residential Roofing Questions

Get answers to residential roofing questions about materials, life expectancy, and maintenance. 

The life expectancy of a roof in Oklahoma can vary depending on several factors, including the type of roofing material used, the quality of installation, the local climate, and the level of maintenance. 

On average, asphalt shingle roofs, which are commonly used in Oklahoma, have a life expectancy of 20 to 30 years. However, this can be shorter in areas with extreme weather conditions, such as high winds, hail, and temperature fluctuations.

Other roofing materials like metal, tile, or slate can have longer lifespans, often exceeding 50 years with proper maintenance. Regular inspections, prompt repairs, and proactive maintenance can help extend the life of your roof. To learn more about the life expectancy of a roof in Oklahoma, you can visit this link: Life Expectancy of a Roof in Oklahoma

Yearly roof maintenance provides several benefits for homeowners. First and foremost, it allows for the early detection of potential issues or damage before they escalate into more significant problems. Regular maintenance can help extend the lifespan of your roof by addressing minor repairs and preventing further deterioration. It also helps maintain the roof’s appearance, keeping it clean and free from debris. 

Additionally, yearly roof maintenance can contribute to improved energy efficiency by identifying and resolving any insulation or ventilation issues. Use this link to learn more and find out how we can help: Does Roof Maintenance Prevent Roof Leaks?

As a first-time homeowner, it’s important to familiarize yourself with key aspects of your roof. Understand the type of roofing material used, as different materials have varying lifespans and maintenance requirements.

Learn about the warranty details and any specific care instructions provided by the manufacturer. Regularly inspect your roof for signs of damage, such as missing or damaged shingles, leaks, or sagging areas. Keep your roof clean from debris and ensure that gutters and downspouts are clear and functioning properly. 

It’s also beneficial to establish a relationship with a reputable roofing contractor who can provide professional advice, perform inspections, and address any concerns or repairs that arise. For more roofing tips for new homeowners, you can visit this link: Roofing Tips for New Homeowners

Yes, you can finance the cost of a new roof in Oklahoma. Many roofing companies offer financing options to help homeowners manage the expense of a roof replacement or repair. Before choosing a financing option, review the terms and conditions, including the interest rate, repayment period, and any associated fees. Consider comparing multiple financing offers to find the best option for your financial situation. To explore more about financing a new roof in Oklahoma City, you can visit this link: Financing a New Roof in Oklahoma City

Yes, a new roof can increase the value of your home. A well-maintained and visually appealing roof enhances curb appeal, which is a crucial factor for potential buyers. A new roof also provides buyers peace of mind, knowing they won’t have to worry about immediate roof repairs or replacements. Finally, a new roof improves energy efficiency, insulation, and overall structural integrity, which are attractive features for homebuyers.

The extent of the increase in home value will depend on various factors, including the local real estate market and the quality of the roof installation. For more information on how a new roof improves home value in Oklahoma, you can visit this link: New Roof Improves Home Value in Oklahoma

A roof tune-up can be beneficial for your home, especially if your roof is showing signs of wear or minor issues. This involves a thorough inspection to identify and address potential problems. Typical repairs include replacing damaged or missing shingles, sealing gaps or leaks, cleaning gutters and downspouts, and assessing the roof’s overall condition. 

A roof tune-up can help prevent more extensive damage, prolong the lifespan of your roof, and maintain its performance and appearance. If you’re unsure about the condition of your roof or need professional guidance, it’s advisable to consult a roofing contractor who can assess whether a tune-up is necessary. To learn more about how a roof tune-up can fix roof problems, you can visit this link: Roof Tune-Up Fixes Roof Problems

When it comes to adding value to your house, one exterior upgrade that stands out is replacing the siding. High-quality siding enhances the curb appeal, provides insulation, and protects the structure. 

Other valuable exterior upgrades include replacing windows with energy-efficient ones, upgrading the front door, adding a new roof, and installing a deck or patio.

Ultimately, the value added to a house depends on various factors, such as the quality of materials, the local real estate market, and the preferences of potential buyers. To gain more insights into home exterior upgrades that add value, you can visit this link: Home Exterior Upgrade That Adds Value

Residential Roofing Questions About Storm Damage

Get answers to residential roofing questions about how hail damages a roof, how to spot damage, and when to call a roofing company for an inspection. 

We know homeowners are not roofing or claims experts. Navigating the claim and repair process can be stressful, especially if you’ve never done it before. To help we’ve completed a comprehensive list of free tools and resources to help. Access our online library now: Roofing Resources For OKC Homeowners

Hail damage on a roof can manifest in various ways depending on the severity of the storm and the type of roofing material. Some common signs of hail damage include:

  • Shingle bruising: Circular or irregular dark spots on asphalt shingles caused by hailstone impact.
  • Cracked or broken shingles: Hail can cause shingles to crack or break, often resulting in visible lines or splits.
  • Granule loss: Hailstones can dislodge the protective granules on shingles, leading to bald spots or exposed asphalt.
  • Dented or dinged metal roofing: Metal roofs may show dents or dings from large hailstones.
  • Splitting or cracking of wood shakes or cedar shingles: Hail impact can cause wood roofing materials to split or crack.
  • Soft spots or bruising on synthetic or rubber roofing: Synthetic or rubber roofs may exhibit areas of soft spots, bruising, or punctures.

It’s important to note that not all hail damage is immediately visible, and the extent of damage may vary across the roof. It’s advisable to have a professional roofing contractor conduct a thorough inspection to assess the damage accurately. To learn more about what hail damage looks like on a roof, you can visit this link: What Hail Damage Looks Like on a Roof

Yes, hail damage can cause roof leaks. When hailstones impact the roof, they can dislodge or crack shingles, causing gaps or openings where water can penetrate. Over time, this can lead to roof leaks, especially during rainstorms. 

It’s essential to have a professional roof inspection after a hailstorm to assess the extent of the damage and identify any potential areas of vulnerability. Prompt repairs or replacements of damaged shingles can prevent water intrusion and subsequent leaks. 

Remember that even if there are no immediate signs of damage, hail can weaken the roof’s integrity, and leaks may develop over time. To learn more about the effects of hail damage on roofs, you can visit this link: Can Hail Damage Cause Roof Leaks?

Determining hail damage on your roof or home requires a careful inspection. To learn what to look for and how to identify hail damage, use our free online checklist: Hail Damage Roof Inspection Checklist for OKC

Being aware of the signs of a storm damage repair scam can help protect homeowners from fraudulent practices. Some common red flags include contractors who pressure you to sign a contract immediately or offer significantly lower prices compared to other reputable contractors. 

Be cautious of contractors who don’t have proper licensing, insurance, or certifications. Lack of a physical office or a verifiable business address can also be a warning sign. It’s essential to request references and check online reviews or ratings of the contractor before hiring them. 

Additionally, avoid contractors who ask for upfront payment or request you to sign over your insurance benefits. To learn more about spotting storm damage repair scams, you can visit this link: Spot Storm Damage Scams

A well-installed metal roof can withstand Oklahoma hail storms more effectively than traditional roofing materials. Metal roofs are known for their durability and resistance to impact damage. They can withstand hailstones of varying sizes without sustaining significant harm. 

However, it’s crucial to ensure that the metal roof is properly installed with the appropriate underlayment and fastening systems to maximize its resilience against hail. Use this link to learn how metal roofs can withstand Oklahoma hail storms and what options are available: Can a Metal Roof Withstand Oklahoma Hail Storms?

If you are unsure if your home has storm damage or if you are trying to pinpoint a date of loss, our storm impact report may help. Using an advanced meteorological database, we can input your address and pull storm data over the past five years.

While the report does not guarantee the storms caused roof damage, they can aid in determining if you need a professional roof inspection. Use this link to learn more and get a report for your home: Storm Impact Report

Preparing for storm season is crucial to minimize potential damage to your home. Start by inspecting and maintaining your roof, gutters, and downspouts. Ensure there are no loose or damaged shingles, and clean out any debris from gutters to prevent clogging. Trim trees and remove dead branches that could pose a risk during high winds. Reinforce windows and doors with storm shutters or impact-resistant materials. Secure outdoor furniture and other loose items to prevent them from becoming projectiles in strong winds. Create an emergency kit with essential supplies, including flashlights, batteries, non-perishable food, and water. Familiarize yourself with your insurance coverage and have important contact numbers readily available. Taking these precautions can help protect your home during storm season. To learn more about preparing for storm season and to get a free checklist, visit this link: Guide to Preparing for Storm Season

Residential Roofing Questions About Insurance Claims

Get answers to residential roofing questions about how to file a claim for storm damage repairs and how to reduce stress in the process! 

It’s important to file a storm damage claim for your house as soon as possible after a severe weather event. Prompt action allows for a timely assessment of the damage and ensures that you don’t miss any deadlines set by your insurance company. To learn more about when to file a storm damage claim, you can visit this link: Why File a Storm Damage Claim Now

Filing a storm damage claim involves several steps to ensure a smooth process. First, document the damage by taking photographs or videos, and list the affected areas. Schedule an inspection with a qualified roofing professional who can assess the damage and provide a detailed report. Use our free online guide to understand all steps involved in filing a storm damage claim and save time: 10 Steps When Filing a Storm Damage Claim

In most cases, home insurance policies cover hail damage repairs. However, it’s important to review your specific policy to understand the coverage limits, deductibles, and any exclusions that may apply.

Some policies may have separate deductibles specifically for hail or wind damage. Additionally, insurance companies may require you to report and file a claim for hail damage within a certain time frame, so acting promptly after a storm is crucial. To learn more about whether insurance covers hail damage repairs, you can visit this link: Home Insurance Cover Hail Damage Repairs

Filing a hail damage claim typically will not directly increase your insurance premiums. Hail damage is considered an insurable event and is covered under most homeowners’ insurance policies. 

However, it’s important to note that insurance premiums can be affected by factors such as the frequency and severity of hailstorms in your area, the overall claims history of your region, and other risk-related factors. 

Insurance companies may adjust premiums based on these broader considerations rather than individual claims. It’s advisable to review your policy and consult with your insurance provider to understand the specific terms and conditions related to hail damage claims and their potential impact on your premiums. To learn more and debunk common myths about storm damage claims and insurance premiums, you can visit this link: 6 Storm Damage Claim Myths Debunked by Experts

ACV stands for Actual Cash Value, while RCV stands for Replacement Cost Value. The main difference between these two insurance policies is how they calculate damaged or destroyed property coverage.

It’s important to review your insurance policy and consult with your insurance provider to understand the specific terms, coverage limits, and deductibles associated with your policy. For a more detailed explanation of ACV and RCV policies in relation to roof insurance, you can visit this link: Roof Insurance: Actual Cash Value vs. Replacement Cost Value

No, roofing companies in OKC or any other location cannot legally pay your insurance deductible. It is against the law and considered insurance fraud. Use this link to learn more and what steps to take if a contractor offers to pay your claim deductible: Can Roofing Companies in OKC Pay Your Insurance Deductible?

While it’s not required, having your roofer meet with your insurance adjuster during the initial inspection can help ensure all damage is reviewed and documented. In most cases, insurance adjusters have little, if any, roofing experience. This can lead to missed damage that should have been covered, claim delays, and additional stress. Learn more benefits here: Should Your Roofer Meet With Your Insurance Adjuster?

Like your roof, homeowners insurance will cover the repair of siding damage if the cause is a covered peril. Learn what that means and how to find the specifics in your policy here: Is Siding Damage Covered By Homeowners Insurance?

One of the biggest challenges homeowners face with hail damage to their roofs is that it’s impossible to see from the ground. This often means homeowners don’t know they have a roof problem until expensive leaks have formed – sometimes years after the storm occurred.

This leads to many people asking if there is a time limit to file a claim and if older damage is covered. Get answers and find out using this link: Time Limit To File A Hail Damage Claim For Roof In Oklahoma

If your home has suffered tornado damage, there are specific steps to follow when making an insurance claim. We created a free online guide and checklist for homeowners to use. Use this link to learn more and get started: How to Deal with Tornado Damage

If you’re home has been hit by severe weather, it’s in your best interest to work with an expert who has experience dealing with hail damage repairs and home restoration. Learn the benefits of working with a hail damage expert and how to qualify a contractor using this link: What Is A Storm Damage Expert And How Can They Help?

Residential Roofing Questions About Finding A Contractor

Get answers to residential roofing questions about how to find the best contractor for your project!

Finding the best roofer in Oklahoma City requires careful research and consideration. Start by asking for recommendations from friends, family, and neighbors who have recently had roofing work done. Look for a roofer with experience, proper licensing, and insurance coverage. To learn more about finding the best roofer in Oklahoma City, you can visit this link: How to Choose the Best Oklahoma City Roofer

Questions About Roof Damage

Get answers to residential roofing questions about how to deal with roof damage that was not caused by severe weather. 

There are several signs that indicate your roof may have sustained damage. Start by conducting a visual inspection from the ground, looking for any missing or damaged shingles, curled or blistered shingles, or areas where the roof appears to be sagging. 

Inside your home, check for signs of water stains or leaks on ceilings or walls, which could be indicators of roof damage. Additionally, inspect your attic for any signs of water intrusion, such as dampness, mold growth, or a musty odor.

Hail damage may leave visible dents or divots on shingles, while wind damage may cause shingles to lift or curl. If you’re uncertain about the condition of your roof or suspect damage, it’s best to contact a professional roofing contractor for a thorough inspection. They have the expertise to identify even subtle signs of damage and recommend the necessary repairs or replacements. 

If you have discontinued roof shingles and need repairs, there are several options available. One option is to try to replace the damaged area with a closely matching shingle that complements the existing roof.

However, keep in mind that there may be variations in color and texture due to aging. In some cases, it may be necessary to replace the entire roof if finding suitable replacement shingles is not feasible. To learn more and explore your options for repairing discontinued roof shingles, visit our online guide: Ultimate Guide to Replacing Discontinued Roof Shingles

Questions About Getting A Roof Inspection

Get answers to residential roofing questions about what to expect during a roof inspection and how often your home needs one!

Yes! We make it easy for homeowners to schedule a roof inspection or home exterior project quote online. Use this link to get started: Schedule A Roof Inspection

Gathering as much information as possible during a roof inspection is important. One way to do this is by asking questions! The most important ones include:

  • What is the overall condition of my roof? 
  • Are there any signs of damage or wear that need immediate attention? 
  • Are there any potential issues that could lead to problems in the future? 
  • How long do you expect my roof to last? 
  • What maintenance tasks should I perform to extend its lifespan? 

By asking these questions, you can gain valuable insights into your roof’s condition and make informed decisions about repairs or maintenance. Use our free online guide to get a complete list and learn how to choose a roofing contractor for your project: What Questions Should I Ask a Roofer During an Inspection?

It is in a homeowner’s best interest to get a roof inspection after every major storm to assess any potential damage. Even if your roof appears intact from the ground, there may be hidden issues that only a professional can detect. High winds, hail, and heavy rain can cause damage that compromises the integrity of your roof. 

A thorough inspection by a qualified roofing professional can identify any signs of damage, such as missing or damaged shingles, leaks, or weakened areas. Early detection of storm-related damage allows for timely repairs, minimizing the risk of further issues and extending the lifespan of your roof. 

The duration of a roof inspection can vary depending on several factors, such as the size and complexity of the roof, the accessibility of the roof, and the thoroughness of the inspection.

Generally, a standard roof inspection can take anywhere from 30 minutes to a few hours. The inspector will carefully examine the roof’s condition, inspecting shingles, flashing, vents, gutters, and other components. They may take photographs or make notes to document any issues or concerns. In some cases, additional time may be required if repairs or further investigations are needed. 

It is important to hire a qualified and experienced roofing professional who will conduct a comprehensive inspection and provide you with a detailed report of their findings. Use our free online guide to learn what to expect: Getting a Roof Inspection in OKC

Questions About Triple Diamond Construction

Learn about us and what makes us the top choice for residential roofing services in Oklahoma City!

Our roofing contractors are licensed and highly experienced in handling any home exterior project. We work with all kinds of roofing materials, including metal, asphalt, tile, and wood.

We also inspect our work after completion to ensure that no detail is overlooked and that our work meets or exceeds your satisfaction.

Whether you need a new roof, storm damage repairs, gutter cleaning, new home siding, or window replacement, Triple Diamond Construction has you covered. View our services page to learn more: Home Exterior Services In OKC

Yes! We do offer in-house financing options for home exterior projects. Click to learn more about the application process and special offers: Home Exterior Financing Options

Yes! We offer emergency roofing services, including tarping and repairs. Give our office a call at 405-895-9972 for quick assistance.

We provide roofing and home exterior services to the OKC metro area and all other cities within a 50-mile radius. This includes Yukon, Edmond, Moore, Lawton, Norman, Shawnee, Midwest City, and others. Call 405-895-9972 or use our online scheduling tool to request a free inspection or estimate for your project.

Yes, we can provide customer references and testimonials from past customers! We also encourage homeowners to check our BBB rating and online reviews on Facebook and Nextdoor.

We are always looking for great people to join our team! Learn more about our company culture and view open positions using this link: TDC Careers

You can get in touch with our team by calling 405-895-9972, emailing [email protected], send us a message online, or by visiting our office at 2306 N Moore Ave, Moore, OK 73160.

Yes! We take online privacy and safety very seriously. Learn more: Privacy Policy