See any roof damage warning signs? Call a roofing company ASAP!

Signs You Might Need To Call A Roofing Company

Homeowners are surprised to find out that their roof is the single most important part of home protection. Not only does it keep rain and the elements out, but it also helps regulate home temperature and humidity. Unfortunately, it’s often the last thing homeowners think about! 

All too often, homeowners find roofing problems too late, even when early warning signs are present. Waiting until you have water dripping from your ceiling can easily double or triple the cost of repairs. 

How can you spot roof problems early and call a roofing company before it leads to costly repairs? 

Use this free guide! We list six common roof damage warning signs (with photos) so you can compare them to your home and find out if you need to call a roofing company. Know you need a roof inspection? Call 405-895-9972 to get started! 

#1 Sign You Need To Call A Roofing Company: Missing Shingles

Almost all roof shingles are installed in an overlapping pattern to help shed water and prevent it from entering the roof system. If one goes missing, it interrupts this pattern and gives water a direct path into your home. 

missing shingles on residential roof

While high winds, heavy rain, flying debris, and old age can all be causes of your roof missing shingles, one thing is for certain: if you see missing shingles, you need to call a roofing company ASAP!  

Waiting too long can cause nearby singles to lift up, even with small wind gusts. This can damage the waterproof seal of an entire slope – meaning damage that could have been a minor repair might grow and extend far beyond the first missing shingle. 

Water Stains And Roof Leaks

If you see stains on your ceiling or see water dripping into your home, call a roofing company ASAP. Water can travel 8-10 feet from the original source of the leak and cause widespread damage to the roof rafters, decking, attic, and your home’s interior. Waiting too long can easily double or triple the cost of repairs. 

ceiling roof leak causing bubble around sprinkler system

In addition to structural damage, roof leaks can lead to mold growth. Building materials like wood, attic insulation, and drywall can absorb water like a sponge and stay wet for a long time – even after rain has passed. Because most homes stay within an optional range for mold to form (65-75 degrees) it can begin to grow quickly.

Weird Looking Or Sagging Roof

If you notice that your roof is sagging, this is a sign that there is a structural issue that needs to be addressed immediately. A sagging roof can be caused by a variety of factors, including water damage, age, and poor installation. It is important to call in a roofing company as soon as possible to assess the situation and determine the best course of action.

old asphalt roofing shingles deteriorated from age with curling edges

Poorly installed roof shingles or improper attic ventilation can also have a bubbling or warped appearance from the ground level of a home. This is not to be confused with architectural shingles that have a 3-D appearance. Curling tends to happen around the edges, and bubbling can be visible across several rows of shingles.  

Granules In Gutters

If you notice that your gutters are filled with granules, this is a sign that your shingles may be deteriorating. As shingles age, they begin to lose their protective granules, which can lead to further damage and deterioration. If you notice granules in your gutters, it is important to call in a roofing company to assess the condition of your shingles and determine whether repairs or replacement is necessary.

granules in gutters from roof damage

Large hail and strong storms are also a reason homeowners will notice granules in their gutters and downspouts. This is caused by hail impacts on the shingles that knock these granules off. Even if you are not missing shingles after a storm, it’s a good idea to call a professional roofing company for a storm damage inspection after every major weather event. 

High Energy Bills

Most homeowners are unaware of the impact a roof can have on their home’s comfort level! If you notice that your energy bills are higher than usual, this may be a sign that your roof is not properly ventilated. Poor ventilation can lead to a buildup of heat and moisture in your attic, which can cause your energy bills to increase. A roofing company can assess the ventilation in your attic and make any necessary repairs to ensure that your roof is properly ventilated.

home thermostat running high from roof problems and sign to call a roofing company

Age Of Your Roof

Outside of signs of damage, as we mentioned above, the age of your roof can be a big factor when determining if you need to call a roofing company. Obviously, a roof can last a long time, but definitely not forever, and older roofs tend to experience more problems. If your roof is approaching this age or is older, it may be time to call in a roofing company to assess its condition and determine whether it needs to be repaired or replaced.

roofer pulling shingles off of roof to replace material

Know When To Call A Roofing Company

One of the best things OKC homeowners can do is periodically walk around their home’s exterior and look up at their roof from a variety of angles. This will help you spot visible signs of a problem like missing shingles or excessive granule loss. If you notice any signs of damage or deterioration, don’t hesitate to call a roofing company like Triple Diamond Construction to help you.

Our team of experts has been providing quality and affordable roofing services to Oklahoma City homeowners for over a decade! We can also help with other home exterior needs like roofing, siding, windows and gutters. Call 405-895-9972 to learn more or schedule a free home inspection online!

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