Making home repairs after a hail storm in Oklahoma City is essential to preventing costly repairs.

8 Tips For Making Home Repairs Caused By Hail Damage

So your home has been hit by a major hail storm. You are probably wondering what to do next and how to find out if you need home repairs. Our experts are here to help! Read on to learn what steps to take and ways to make the storm damage repair process easy. 

Step #1: Assess Your Home

Assessing your home after every storm is one of the best ways to prevent costly home repairs! One thing to keep in mind is that hail doesn’t have to be the size of a baseball to cause damage. Hail as small as a quarter can cause damage to your roof, especially if it is backed by strong winds. 

An easy way to assess your home is by using our printable storm damage checklist. Not only will it ensure you review every area of your home, but it will also help you document damage. 

roofer with homeowner in front yard explaining home repairs needed after hail storm

Step #2: Document Areas Needing Home Repairs 

As soon as it is safe to do so, thoroughly document the hail damage to your property. Take clear and detailed photographs or videos of the affected areas, including your gutters, siding, windows, and any other damaged components. This documentation will serve as crucial evidence during the claims process and can help ensure that all the necessary repairs are covered by your insurance policy.

Pro tip: getting on your roof is never a good idea unless you have experience doing so. Falls can cause serious injury and even death. If you find signs of hail damage on areas around your home, your roof likely has damage as well. Call a professional instead of getting on your roof! 

Step #3: Get A Professional Storm Damage Inspection

If you see signs of storm damage to your gutters, siding, or car, then you need to call a local roofing company ASAP. A professional contractor will thoroughly inspect your roof and assess the damage. At Triple Diamond Construction, we take it a step further and provide a photo-documented report so you can see the damage without ever getting on a roof. This documentation can be very helpful if you have to file a claim for home repairs caused by hail damage. 

Step #3: Review Your Insurance Policy

No two homeowners insurance policies are the same. Take the time to review your insurance policy and familiarize yourself with the coverage details and deductibles. Understand the scope of coverage for hail damage and any specific requirements or limitations. This knowledge will empower you to make informed decisions and ask relevant questions when communicating with your insurance company.

Related: Learn the truth about storm damage claim myths

Step #5: Contact Your Insurance Company

Notify your insurance provider as soon as possible after discovering hail damage. Most insurance policies require prompt reporting of damages to initiate the claims process. Be prepared to provide detailed information about the damage’s extent, including the storm’s date and time. By acting quickly, you can ensure that your claim is processed efficiently.

Related: What to expect when filing a storm damage claim

Step #6: Communicate With Your Insurance Adjuster

Once your claim is filed, an insurance adjuster will be assigned to evaluate the damage and determine coverage based on your policy. After a major storm, adjusters will likely be working hundreds of claims at a time. Communicating with your adjuster in a timely manner and providing them with any requested documentation can help avoid delays.

Step #7: Keep Detailed Records

Maintain a comprehensive record of all communications and interactions with your insurance company, including names, dates, and summaries of conversations. This documentation will serve as a reference point and help avoid any misunderstandings or discrepancies during the claim process.

Step #8: Review the Settlement Offer

Once the insurance company evaluates your claim, they will provide a settlement offer outlining the coverage for the repairs. Review the offer carefully, ensuring that it aligns with the documented damage and estimates obtained from contractors. If there are discrepancies or if you feel the offer is inadequate, don’t hesitate to negotiate or seek clarification from your insurance company.

Related: What if insurance doesn’t cover the full cost of home repairs?

Key Takeaways On Storm Damage Home Repairs 

Filing an insurance claim for hail damage can be complex, but following these tips can streamline the process and prevent mistakes. Documenting the damage, acting promptly, understanding your policy, and communicating effectively with your insurance company and adjuster are all vital steps in expediting your claim. 

By working with a reputable roofing contractor and keeping detailed records, you can efficiently maximize your chances of a successful claim and restore your roof’s integrity. At Triple Diamond Construction, we are here to assist you throughout the process and provide quality hail damage home repairs.

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